Best Quality Fruits S.L.U. - Import & Export began as a family business located in the region of Murcia and actually it has extended to all the world.


Specialized in the distribution and supply of a wide range of horticultural products in the international market, we have professional personal highly qualified and formed in the business processes, international trade and direction of operations.


Thanks to our professional personal, to their courage and commitment to offer competitive products our products ´s quality is maintained and supported by our producers in each harvest. Compliance with thje phytosanitary guarantees, international certifications and traceability. 


Our values

1. QUALITY: With the quality control, we always intend to achieve the compliance with the market´s standards and the food security.

2. COMMITMENT: Ensuring our customers and consumers the fresh, organic and natural products.

3. SUSTAINABILITY: In the production of each of the products, we always do our best to protect the environment.

Get to know our company and products

With our interactive catalogue you will know the every detail of BEST QUALITY FRUITS; their professionals, information of products, production schedule, high-end products, and much more information!


SEDE COMERCIAL -Commercial Office          商业基地

Best Quality Fruits S.L.U
Calle Carril de la Condesa

nº 58 - 1º Pt 7
30010 Murcia


¿Qué producto necesitas?                           What product do you need?

Sólo ofrecemos los productos más frescos, por ello nuestra oferta varia en función del calendario de producción. Mira aquí nuestras frutas y verduras de temporada.


We only offer the freshest products, so our offer varies depending on the timing of 

production. Check here our fruits and vegetables of the season.

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